Monday, September 17, 2012

Hot Hot Hot Land !

The hottest summer over land was recorded this year.  For whom you ask?  The Entire Globe!

Yes, you heard right.  The hottest land surface average temperatures ever recorded. This is the NOAA report released today.  When you throw in the ocean temperatures (at 7th warmest) you find that taking land and ocean temperatures this was the 3rd hottest three month period on record.

(out of 133 years)
Land+1.03 ± 0.15+1.85 ± 0.271st WarmestWarmest: 2012+1.03+1.85
133rd CoolestCoolest: 1885-0.61-1.10

Friday, September 14, 2012

Who is worried about Climate Change

We all know who is not worried about climate change, Mitt Romney while speaking at The Republican National Committee.

But who is worried?

The US Military for one:
in 2011
in 2010

In each document the inevitablilty of climate change is a given, a proven expectation, something that needs to be mitigated.

Most of the S&P 500 Corporations for another:

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) surveys the S&P 500 corporations every year on numerous topics including climate change. Over 80% of the Standard and Poor 500 corporations have officially integraged climate change into their risk management strategies, and over 70% have merged planning for climate change into their regular business strategy.

"Climate change has been further integrated into
enterprise risk management (83% (281) in 2012 versus
75% (254) in 2011) and overall business strategy (73%

(247) in 2012 versus 65% (219) in 2011)." 1

1 Page 9 of

A list of some of the top corporations involved in incorporating climate change into their strategic planning include:
Cisco Systems
Home Depot
Wells Fargo

Many of the World's Largest Cities are also committed to addressing climate change:

"While international negotiations continue to make incremental progress, C40 Cities are forging ahead. Collectively they have taken more than 4,700 actions to tackle climate change, and the will to do more is stronger than ever. As innovators and practitioners, our cities are at the forefront of this issue – arguably the greatest challenge of our time."—Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
C40 is a network of the world’s megacities taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With a unique set of assets, the C40 works with participating cities to address climate risks and impacts locally and globally.