Monday, November 18, 2024

Our Evacuation from the Mountains of North Carolina after Hurricane Helene

 My article describing (in part) our experiences that led up to our evacuation from the North Carolina mountains after the catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Knowing that internet links have a habit of disappearing I’ll try to locate my original text that was submitted and post it here.

Our Evacuation from the Mountains of North Carolina after Hurricane Helene

  •  Nov 8, 2024
  •  Weather Band Content, Hurricanes, Severe Weather, Solo 
  •  Rod Scott
Our Evacuation from the Mountains of North Carolina after Hurricane Helene

We stood at the window in horror as the eighty-foot-tall tulip poplar, uprooted by the landslide, slid into the gorge and fell across the face of the dam. It was the second landslide we had witnessed that morning.

This is a small part of the road we used to evacuate from the B&B.

This is a small part of the road we used to evacuate from the B&B. 

We were among six guests (three couples) at a Bed and Breakfast surrounded by the Pisgah National Forest who were sheltering in place because the road above and below the inn was impassable. Ten inches of rain had fallen in the two days before Helene came to impact the local mountains, which had brought down trees and power lines, triggered landslides, and washed out the bridge on the road below us.  

A major landslide we had to slog through to hike out from the B&B.

A major landslide we had to slog through to hike out from the B&B

The loss of power (and water from the well) created its own problems, but the innkeepers were resilient and prepared. Once the rains slowed down, the generator was set up and gasoline was inventoried. To conserve gasoline it was decided to run the generator three times a day for just one hour so that water would be available. This also provided lights in the kitchen where food could be cooked on a gas stove. 

Fortunately the inn had installed a Starlink internet system the year before and with a battery block powering the system we had internet capability. It was a unique experience to be trapped in the mountains with hours of internet capability each day! One couple had arrived in a Hybrid Highlander, and they set the car up to run in “generator mode.” This allowed the car to power one refrigerator 24/7. When the hybrid battery became partially depleted, the car would start and run to recharge the battery and then shut itself off. Connecting a power strip to the extension cord from the car allowed us to recharge cell phones and tablets. Careful computations suggested we could keep the refrigerator cold for seven to nine days using this setup. 

We were far more fortunate than many others in the mountains. We had a roof over our heads, water, generator power, and we had communications. We used our internet connection to reach out to family and begin to make plans for our evacuation. 

After five more inches of rain had fallen on Saturday, we rejoiced as Sunday dawned with blue skies and white cumulus clouds. It was the first sunshine we’d seen since Tuesday. On this day, one of the guests reconnoitered the local routes out of the area.  He was gone for five or six hours and came back exhausted, but his information was invaluable. Regardless of the road damage that he found, he stated that evacuation was possible.

A major washout on the asphalted part of the road we used to evacuate from the B&B.

A major washout on the asphalted part of the road we used to evacuate from the B&B.

On Sunday we made plans to hike out via the road on Tuesday and communicated that information to family and friends. When Tuesday dawned, we ate breakfast, and the six of us hugged the innkeepers and thanked them profusely for taking such good care of us. We left our cars, keys, and possessions (including clothing) behind and started hiking out with the clothes on our backs, water bottles, and snacks.

I’ve been hiking and backpacking in the woods for my entire life, but this was the most difficult hike I’d ever attempted. The first landslide almost stopped us as we climbed over downed trees and negotiated mud that was more than two feet deep. It took us over an hour to make it 300 feet. After a rest we proceeded the rest of the way up the mountain, slogging through mud and crawling over downed trees. 

A wooded stretch that became a river alongside the road. The water from this river overtopped the dam at the BnB, undercut the spillway and caused at least one landslide.

A wooded stretch that became a river alongside the road. The water from this river overtopped the dam at the BnB, undercut the spillway and caused at least one landslide. 

In spite of the obstacles and after three and a half hours we completed the two-and-a-half-mile hike, and were greeted and embraced by family. We were evacuated on October 1, five days after Hurricane Helene’s landfall. 


Written 5 or 6 years ago, found in DRAFT mode, and just now published.

I still recall the days when our tenor section would rehearse separate from those who sang bass. These choir rehearsals took place during my high school years as I sang in various music productions. Rehearsal was what we did for most of the time.  We had to learn the songs, understand the parts, and recall the notes when we all sang together. It was easy to remember my lines when singing with a bunch of tenors. When the entire choir got together it was much more difficult. Its hard to remember but I guess we rehearsed 25-35 times for each production.

Recently I've started rehearsing again. This time it is not singing, but playing the semi-modular synthesizer. During the last two and one half years of synth experimentation rehearsing played a very small part of my exploration of this music.  Typically if I were to record a track on YouTube I'd rehearse two or three times and let her fly. My results typically revealed the lack of rehearsal. It was easy to argue that since this is modular synthesis there is a lot of room for "flexibility" (read: error).

For the past week or two I've been rehearsing for the possibility of being able to play publicly at an "open mic" event. We are not yet sure how much time we have to perform, but 10-15 minutes is the current guesstimate. I'm trying to pack the smallest synth footprint, so I'm limited to the Moog Mother32 stack (the Mother96), and one skiff. Additionally one midi controller and a set of headphones along with the mixer will complete the whole show.   I'll need a small portable table, and and multi plug power distribution and one long stereo cable. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Good News on the Climate

 Katherine Hayhoe is a well known climate scientist who is focussed on the opportunities that we as humans have to change our climate for the betterment of all humankind. Her newsletter always includes a "Good News" segment and it is always worth hearing some good news on this subject. 

Her May 29, 2024 news letter is curated by a guest writer this month. Dr. Joellen Russell is on of the founders of  Science Moms  a group of mothers who are also climate scientists.  The below extended quote is from that newsletter that came out today. 

"Despite what you might think from listening to political advertising and more than a few media reports, US carbon emissions dropped last year at the same time that the economy grew.

Yes, that’s right! Last year, the US economy grew by 2.5 percent while the total carbon emissions by decreased by 2-3 percent, according to the US Energy Information Administration. US emissions are now down 20 percent from the all-time high in 2007, according to the EIA.

That’s not the only good news. Americans, on their own, are consistently choosing to save money by reducing their own energy costs, whether it is through more efficient lighting, electric cars, better windows, etc. Although per-capita emissions are still at the high end of the global scale, the US has gone from emitting around 20 percent of the global total of CO2 annually in 2000 to less than 12 percent of the global total in 2023."

 It really appears that the changes both small and large are starting to make a measurable impact on the forces that are driving climate change. This is "Good News"!  So share it with a friend or neighbor if you get a chance. Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, May 09, 2024

RIP Charles Freddy Edgerton


Freddy and Jane on one of their recent adventures.

My post on FaceBook: 

I was only 19 years old when I first met Freddy. As a confirmed introvert who preferred being a wallflower I met this guy who was confident and outgoing.  At first he seemed “dangerous”, but it was soon apparent that I was mistaking dangerous for “daring”.  

Our friendship, lasting 50 years, ended Friday May 3rd when Freddy left behind this physical world for the Next Great Adventure. It was one week ago today (Saturday April 27) that I spoke with Freddy and Jane in the ICU. Freddy was on oxygen but was coherent as we spoke. We discussed the trip Debbie and I were making in 2 days to Tybee Island. I also told him that I was composing a piece of ambient music for him. “It’s almost finished”, I told him.He said he was interested in hearing it when I got it finished. I told him he was going to be all right and that I loved him. He reciprocated with “I love you man”. 

If I listed all of the small building blocks of my life that came into being exclusively because of Freddy it would take a while. Just a few: he taught me how to eat raw oysters, he taught me how to cook a steak on a grill, he introduced me to a broad palette of fine Kentucky bourbons, he was the first to put a special cigar in my mouth (a cigar made in a small island country South of Florida) and light it, he was the first person (that I knew of my age) who owned stock, he was the first to introduce me to the joys of hot peppers (there’s a great story behind that one). 

If you knew Freddy from way back then, you knew he was one of the strongest people you’d ever meet. I still remember helping him move furniture on to a rental truck once. There were two of us on one end of this gigantic piece of furniture and we were about to die! He held up the opposite end with just one hand. 

Freddy taught me a number of life lessons and one of them was the importance of having a generous spirit.  He was a generous man and his example shaped me to a certain degree.  While I never achieved his level of benevolence, he did push my needle in the correct direction. 

In many ways Freddy was “bigger than life”, and one way I was reminded of that was when we hugged. Whether it was a greeting or a departure there was no better hug than a Freddy hug. It was like hugging and being hugged by Mount Everest and a benevolent bear at the same time. This I will miss. 

The four of us travelled on the only cruise ship I’ve ever sailed on,  Holland America’s Westerdam. This was an Alaskan cruise and it was a total blast. Being there with Debbie, Jane and Freddy made the trip perfect. 

His love for his wife, children and grandchildren was absolute. We grew up with their kids and watched them mature into responsible adults. An untimely accident took Joshua’s life and while it altered the family landscape forever, this beautiful family carried on buoyed by their faith in God. Their daughter Loriahn has two sons and a daughter. Freddy and Jane loved being grandparents to those three. 

This could carry on forever, but I’ll bring it to a close for now. Please pray for Jane, Loriahn, Eddie and the grandkids as they navigate these trying waters. May their memories of Freddy be a comfort to them during this season of grief.

Freddy will always reside in my heart and in my mind. 

A link to the almost finished piece of music, called simply “C F E”, (after Freddy’s initials), can be found in the comments.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Three Quotes from Isaac Asimov


Some people set up a false either-or dichotomy to simplify their argument or their world view.  The truth of the matter (as Asimov explains) is that we inhabit a both-and experience.  

How often people speak of art and science as though they were two entirely different things, with no interconnection. An artist is emotional, they think, and uses only his intuition; he sees all at once and has no need of reason. A scientist is cold, they think, and uses only his reason; he argues carefully step by step, and needs no imagination. That is all wrong. The true artist is quite rational as well as imaginative and knows what he is doing; if he does not, his art suffers. The true scientist is quite imaginative as well as rational, and sometimes leaps to solutions where reason can follow only slowly; if he does not, his science suffers.”

Belief in belief is merely belief, not proof. Asimov explains what he believes in. 

I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.

Forcing another to adopt your belief is tyranny. Forcing your religion upon another is religious tyranny. Insisting that your religion govern others who do not have any investment in belief in your religion is abhorrent. Unfortunately there are unqualified people out there who want to insist you believe the way they do. 

Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.

Isaac Asimov - The Roving Mind

Monday, May 29, 2023

Where can my music be found?

 This post will likely be out of date sometime in the near future as more recordings are made but for this moment in time it is likely 95% correct and comprehensive. EDIT: Update on July 22, 2023 down below. EDIT: Update on August 31, 2023 down below.  EDIT: Update on September 1, 2023 below.

1. Bandcamp - Where my albums are released

2.RADIO STATIONS (Live and Archived Shows)
WXPN 88.5 - "Stars End" - in Philadelphia PA, hosted by Chuck Van Zyl - Each Saturday 12 midnight - Sunday 5am Central Time

On these dates one of my tracks played:
(see playlists saved in another note)

WPRB 103.3 - "Music With Space" - In Princeton, NJ, hosted by Mike Hunter - Each Friday 10pm - Saturday 1am Central Time
WPPM 106.5 - "Sound + Vision" - In Philadelphia, PA, hosted by Tony DiPaolo - Each Wednesday 8pm to 9pm Central Time
On these dates one of my tracks played:

Modul303 - Internet Radio  Broadcasting 24/7  from Berlin Germany
They play Stars End programs from and Sequences Podcast programs and lots of electronic music from all around the world.
             Mobile player:

Where I upload various music files, some of which make it to albums

"Sequences Electronic Music Podcast" - Australia - produced by Mick Dundee Garlick

Apple iTunes
Sequences Podcast # 231 - my track "Binary Tydes" closes out the 3 hour show and starts at 2 hours & 52 minutes.
Sequences Podcast # 216 - my track "Alpha Centauri Cc " starts at 2 hours & 37 minutes

Amazon Music -
Sequences Podcast # 231 - my track "Binary Tydes" closes out the 3 hour show and starts at 2 hours & 52 minutes.
Search for Sequences Podcast # 216 - my track "Alpha Centauri Cc " starts at 2 hours & 37 minutes

I play a minor role in jam sessions with BAEMG (Birmingham Area Electronic Music Group).
Every two months the group gets together for a multi instrumental jam session.
Typically we record 3 jams a session.
Some of their recent jams are here:

One of the most exciting aspects of this journey into electronic music is being associated with so many talented musicians. Everyone of them is way more talented than I. My focus is to try and learn from them as much as possible. I've got a long way to go and a short time to get there! 

I hope you enjoy the music you find here. 

On July 22, 2023 my album Galactik Tyde was uploaded to Amazon Music, Spotify, and Apple Music (iTunes)

On August 31, 2023 my album Elegia was uploaded to Distrokid who will upload it to Amazon Music, Spotify, and Apple Music (iTunes).

On September 1, 2023 my album Binary Tydes was uploaded to Distrokid who will upload it to Amazon Music, Spotify, and Apple Music (iTunes).

Sunday, March 12, 2023

My Poem “Full Moon Over Lake Livingston Texas” Honored by ALL POETRY Website


This was pretty surprising to receive and quite gratifying. I’ve “hidden”my poetry for most of the last 50 years. The only time before it was released to the world was my first book which was self published on Blurb. Published in 2011 the book “Noetic Furniture” is available in multiple formats. 

This time I’ve selected online publishing because I’m 68 years old and if I don’t publish, this work may perish ;)  I just started uploading to All Poetry in January and have not uploaded much of my work yet. The goal is to choose the works that I’d attempt to publish in a book and put them out there for the public. 

I’ve already had an unexpected conversation with my friend Thomas (a musician and writer) who “caught” my first poetry upload quite randomly! What a surprise that was!

This is the link to my complete All Poetry collection under my name Nimrod Scott. While they added my poem to the ‘picks’ section today (and I don’t know how long it will stay there), I’ll link to it here so it will be a place where  you can find other poetry judged worthy of this accolade. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Some Anti War Songs From Way Back Yonder (60’s & 70’s)

Richie Havens - “Handsome Johnny”

 Bob Dylan - “Masters of War”

Peter, Paul & Mary - “Where Have all the Flowers Gone”

Buffy Sainte-Marie - “Universal Soldier”

The Association - “ Requiem for the Masses”

The Byrds - “Draft Morning”

Eric Burdon & The Animals - “Sky Pilot”

The Hollies - “You Know The Score”

Barry McGuire - “Eve of Destruction “

Note:  This is a list of performers and songs. In a few cases the songs were written by others (not the performer) and this list does not attempt to deny copyright in any way. 

Art work attribution: