Thursday, January 03, 2019

Ten Years After

Approximately ten years ago I commenced my first climate research. This has been spoken of earlier. My experience as an amateur weather enthusiast/observer/forecaster in no way prepared me for the complexities of trying to understand the climate.  That the climate was changing seemed to be intuitive, yet where were the measuring sticks?  What metrics were important to measure changes.

In July of 2008 Stefan Rahmstorf gave a presentation on some relevant datasets. He called it "The 5 Most Important Data Sets of Climate Science".  This past fall, a blog post on Open Mind, revisited those datasets and gave us an update.  You can see the post, graphs and all, here.

The most obvious conclusion to be drawn, whether or not you agree with the choice of these particular 5 datasets is that climate change has continued unabated, and that for the last 10 years the climate scientists nailed in in these 5 datasets. 

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